Friday 7 May 2010

"Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive!"

As the dust settles from the stamping, swearing and insults that occurred last night/this morning; I've come to the conclusion that supporting the Lib Dems last night was alot like being an England fan or watching Wimbledon, the moment you start to believe something can happen it comes back and kicks you in the teeth. I had the sinking realisation at the count, that the points I've been arguing for a month didn't have the hard evidence to back them up, there wasn't the clear disproportion between votes and seats to make Electoral Reform unavoidable.

There are still a few arguments for Electoral Reform to come out of last night, the Lib Dems increased there vote share by 1% (very roughly about 300,000 more voters) but as I'm writing this lost 5 seats. The Tory dogs have a 36% vote share to the Lib Dems 23% (roughly a third more) but they have 6 seats to every 1 Lib Dem seat, what a fucking joke!

Nick Clegg has come out this morning and told the country he would stick to his word and speak to the party with the biggest vote share, though my hate of Conservatives runs deep and I still believe there support is artificially propped up by cunts and the right wing press (who are worse than cunts) I have to agree with him, there coalition represents the most people in the UK and you can't argue with that. There is one beacon of light that will stop the Tory dogs having a majority with a coalition is Electoral Reform, I believe the content of the man wont let Cameron wriggle out of it and we all know that cunt's love of the crippling unfair first past the post system; it suits them in gaining seats and suits there ethics!

I think like the debates, Clegg has won the post-ish election contest, showing fairness and a desire to serve the people of the UK, not just Lib Dem supporters! How could only 23% of the vote share go to him? this man is leaps and bounds ahead of the other two! I would say he almost resembles a Human being!

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Clegg's sincerity is a welcome change to the horrendous nature of politics. Well, we can only assume that they've always been slimey, underhand cheats since the dawn of so-called democracy: the scandals in recent years (cash for honours, expenses) have highlighted this to a greater degree than before, which is why im surprised that the Lib Dems have not done better.

    Clegg had an easy job on the debates, all he had to do was distance himself from the other leaders: shame the country as a whole have failed to see that change was available. Blind to it or scared of it?

    Whatever happens I hope that electoral reform happens, the scenes of hundreds wanting to vote, but not being able to last night highlight the need for true democracy in this country.Surely,since the west prides itself on being the father and protector of democracy, our system should reflect this, rather than harping on about the current system producing a strong government.
