Monday 10 May 2010

Clegg's Theory of STV

This Blog wasn't intended to be all about Electoral Reform, but the subject was the main reason I voted Lib Dem and as the country starts to discuss its outcomes, a criticism of Single Transferable Vote keeps appearing and i have a sinking 'wanting to bang my head against the table' feeling this reason will run and run, I can even see reporters in fucking stupid news reports with that strip at the bottom of the news saying "STV too Complicated?" asking a member of the general public
"what do you think about STV? do you understand it?"
"No, I don't know anyone who does!"
"Well there you go Kirsty, back to the studio."

Its total rubbish, STV isn't so hard to Grasp, its not fucking Einstein's theory of Relativity (hence the witty title).

This reason is so fucking stupid, why are just accepting people don't know or understand it? why the fuck aren't Newspapers having explanations on the front page? Why hasn't the One show done a Report on it explaining it and the pro's and con's! This is why sometimes living in this country is infuriating, its like everyone conspiring against improving are Country! - Read through the fruit example, within a few times of reading it you should get it, or have a grasp.

How can we have a fair and even debate on this subject if we just accept that we don't understand it; the criticisms so far has been totally wrong! If we just took the amount of votes a party got throughout the country and divided them into seats, then yes we would have 13 BNP MPs. That wouldn't happen with STV, it's not a pure Proportional Representation system it keeps its links to local constituencies. So why have I heard this argument so many times? its just false!

I believe if everyone knew about STV, most people would want it, therefore ignorance benefits the First Past the post loving Cons, which benefits the ideology of The Sun, The Times and The Daily Mail, but I'm sure not explaining it is just a Coincidence.

Saturday 8 May 2010

Hang the DJ

Yes! I am inciting violence on this man! Dr Liam Fox Conservative MP told the news today and I quote* "I have not met one voter in this campaign who has said they want to change are voting system." not one person! well 30 million of out 45 million voted Thursday! 15 million either didn't care enough/didn't think its was important enough to go out and vote! (or maybe weren't even allowed to vote because of poorly run polling stations) So disillusioned with the state of our Politics, No real choice, no change, MP's expenses; who can blame them! I wonder how many people Dr Fox met on the campaign trail who said "I'm not voting, your all crooks!" That disillusionment is almost certainly down to are broken, out of date, Two Party system that gives ideologies disproportionate power.

* Off the top of my head, with probable bias

Friday 7 May 2010

Gordon Brown dangling his golden carrots!

2 of 3 leaders have stated where they stand, and I'm lead to believe the unholy trinity will be complete shortly. Clegg stating he would talk to the Tory dogs about an alliance but it seems to me that this is just going through the motions, it seems pretty unlikely to me the Cons will suddenly all grow souls and tell Satan they want a divorce! Brown has stated he is interested in changing the current voting system Robert Mugabe would be ashamed of!

Cameron is suspected to come out and claim leadership, daring the MAJORITY of other MP's to challenge him! Its best summed up as a glorified game of 'Chicken' standing in the line of a speeding car; who in this version of the game represents the huge mounds of debt driven by 'Sir' Fred Goodwin and all of his Evil bastard cronies from the city in the back seat, with his Girlfriend George Osbourne riding shotgun! Who will jump out of the way first before our Government and Country gets splatted all along the road!

As I go to write my second post, i'm greeted by this ad! I want to assure my readers i will never sell my views down the river for the promise of a part of the Amazon millions! Thats a pledge i make to you!

"Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive!"

As the dust settles from the stamping, swearing and insults that occurred last night/this morning; I've come to the conclusion that supporting the Lib Dems last night was alot like being an England fan or watching Wimbledon, the moment you start to believe something can happen it comes back and kicks you in the teeth. I had the sinking realisation at the count, that the points I've been arguing for a month didn't have the hard evidence to back them up, there wasn't the clear disproportion between votes and seats to make Electoral Reform unavoidable.

There are still a few arguments for Electoral Reform to come out of last night, the Lib Dems increased there vote share by 1% (very roughly about 300,000 more voters) but as I'm writing this lost 5 seats. The Tory dogs have a 36% vote share to the Lib Dems 23% (roughly a third more) but they have 6 seats to every 1 Lib Dem seat, what a fucking joke!

Nick Clegg has come out this morning and told the country he would stick to his word and speak to the party with the biggest vote share, though my hate of Conservatives runs deep and I still believe there support is artificially propped up by cunts and the right wing press (who are worse than cunts) I have to agree with him, there coalition represents the most people in the UK and you can't argue with that. There is one beacon of light that will stop the Tory dogs having a majority with a coalition is Electoral Reform, I believe the content of the man wont let Cameron wriggle out of it and we all know that cunt's love of the crippling unfair first past the post system; it suits them in gaining seats and suits there ethics!

I think like the debates, Clegg has won the post-ish election contest, showing fairness and a desire to serve the people of the UK, not just Lib Dem supporters! How could only 23% of the vote share go to him? this man is leaps and bounds ahead of the other two! I would say he almost resembles a Human being!